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The Level 1 program offers a rich and thorough training in all the domains of learning that will equip you as a certified mindfulness teacher or to support your integration of mindfulness skills into your mindfulness-informed therapy.

The live online and residential modules offer a range of didactic, experiential and small group work.  Specific areas of focus will include:

  • The rationale for how mindfulness works for a range of mental and physical health conditions including pain, stress, anxiety, depression and trauma 
  • Practical exploration of how to work skilfully with the sensations, emotions and thoughts that arise in practice.
  • Skills in leading mindfulness practices (body scan, awareness of breath, sounds, thoughts and feeling, open awareness, kindness and compassion, approaching the difficult, movement practice)
  • Inquiry skills (including empathy, reflection, salience and context)
  • Relational skills including empathy, warmth, authenticity and potency, curiosity and respect and mutuality
  • Embodiment as a teacher including presence, vitality and calmness, acceptance and present moment responsiveness
  • Understanding of  group process 
  • Refining and deepening one’s own meditation practice
Once you have completed all of the Level I studies, you are immediately eligible for Level II and to begin teaching under supervision.
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Studying with the MTIA exceeded my very high expectations.
I find it hard to believe there could be a better way to start teaching mindfulness programs than by training with the Mindfulness Training Institute of Australia. The curriculum is incredibly thorough, many opportunities given for practice and experiential learning, and all teachers are experienced, wise and kind. The program not only deepened my appreciation of the richness of MBSR/MBCT and equipped me to begin teaching, it has transformed my personal practice and mindfulness in relationships with others.

To inquire about any aspect of the pathway

In Australia

Contact: Mary McIntyre
[email protected]

In New Zealand

Contact: Dianne May
[email protected]